Monday 17 July 2017

Day Two-Hundred-and-Ten (210): Finding Illisia

Hello, every one!
As I discussed in my prior post, due to personal reasons I have been unable to afford to maintain my charity efforts, sadly.

That was a couple of months ago, however, and things have since changed for the better. I am still financially "tight", but £1 per day should be manageable, if I budget for it accordingly. I am also doing more fundraisers! I am feeling more myself again, now. Hence "Finding Illisia".

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Charity Begins At Home (aka Sorry!!!)

Hello, readers! I am aware that it has been several months since my last update, and for this I apologise from the depths of my heart. It has been a busy few months, personally. I have not forgotten about this Blog, what it represents, nor three-hundred-and-sixty-five-day mission, but I am, I confess, failing…

Thursday 19 January 2017

Day Twenty-Six (26): Tearful Gratitude

My newest #Vlog discusses - very emotionally - the plight of the #homeless in the UK, and everywhere in the world. Please Like, Comment and share, share, share; thank you! And if you have spare time, spare food or spare clothing, please donate! Thank you!

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Day Twenty-Four (24): Charity List, Long-Planned Mini-Fundraiser, and Researching

Hello, wonderful people of the world!

I have utterly forgotten to update this Blog, so here is a list of the charities that I have donated £1 to since my last time that I posted a list:

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Day Ten (10): A Loss, But For The Greater Good...

We are now in day ten, and I have made the solemn choice to cancel the several Direct Debits I have had on my bank account for many months now for charities.

Monday 2 January 2017

Day Eight (8): Catch-up!

Hello, readers! I a planning on updating this Blog every day with information about what charity I have donated to on that day and why.

However, due to the fact that I spent every one of my pennies on my good deed that I did on Christmas Eve (which I discuss in my video) I have been unable to do my daily donations. I have £1 in cash, but due to not having been into town, I could not manually donate to a charity shop, either.

Today I have money, however, so today is "catch-up day!". This means that I will be donating £1 to eight charities today, rather than just one.

Thursday 29 December 2016

Day Four (4): The Press Release

Hello, tinterweb! This is Illisia [Adams] with an update...

I have just hit the fifty viewership figure for my video, which I am very happy about but I would really appreciate it if as many of you as possible would "share, share, share!" it with your friends and family, and of course through social media, to really bring the message to as wide an audience as possible and encourage that year-round Christmas spirit!

For Bloggers and journalists, I have written an official Press Release to help publicise the initiative, which you can download directly from my OneDrive. The format is ".doc", created in Microsoft Word using Office 365, which is the most up-to-date software.

Alternatively, you can also download a copy in plain text format (".txt"), and view it in the Blog, below.

Thank you again for your continued support! Remember to Subscribe for more! :-)